FAQs(EN) - T-box (AI Box)

Quality Guarantee and Service for T-box

  1. Does the product have quality assurance?

    In order to provide the best installation suggestions and after-sales service for your car, It is recommended that you choose to buy from carplayaibox.com first. All products sold have been tested and provide an after-sales guarantee. We will give priority to providing one-to-one service for customers who place orders on our site. For products purchased on other websites(e.g., Aliexpress, Amazon, eBay), we will not be able to guarantee product quality and after-sales service.

  2. How to enjoy product after-sales service?

    We offer service for items purchased from carplayaibox.com. If you buy T-box products from other websites(e.g., Aliexpress, Amazon, eBay), please seek help from other sellers first. You can also refer to our FAQ, but the products purchased from other websites may be different from ours, and our FAQ may not apply to products purchased on other websites.


1. How to insert a SIM card into the T-BOX?

2. What I can do if the SIM card can't work after inserting it into the T-box?

3. How can I upgrade the T-box firmware?

4. How can I upload the log if I am using the T-Box?

5. What should I do when I try to download or update Netflix in the play store, it says it is not available on the device?

6. What should I do when I play the video through other apps, the audio is not synced?

7. What is the difference between the European version and the American version?

8. How to download apps such as Hulu or Disney plus that cannot be searched in Google Store on T-box?